
Wading Slowly Down Into The Deep End

Ah, it has been (another) while since I opened this site up. Yeah, sorry about that, been kind of busy lately, getting results, working and more importantly, finally, and so very wonderfully, getting into university. Yes, I am finally here, fulfilling my physics based dreams. And so it is from here in my small but comfortable room in halls that I come to you now. What does this mean for you? Well, I imagine that I shall continue using this as a revision tool, which means I will be posting about topics of marginally higher complexity. It is a well known truth that, when it comes to scientific subjects at least, the first line of any high level course is more or less "Hey, you know what you just spend ages learning for those previous exams? It's all bullshit. Here's where it's really at."

I'll still be trying to post those Bailyn's Fables, because I personally find it fascinating to look into, and I plan on joining the uni's RP society so hopefully I'll be able to make good on my mission statement to bring you posts of that nature.

Basically while I anticipate a massive increase in workload, this will have the paradoxical effect of making this blog, or whatever it is, busier, and ideally more entertaining.

Wish me luck!
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