
Get Me Some Thermite And A Parachute

Honestly, I think this is the hardest post to write. Every other post in this blog will consist of physics lessons, science stories, and my adventures in GMing, plus whatever madness I feel is appropriate. This one? This is the one that I need to grab you, because it is highly likely that if you're reading this post it is to gain a deeper understanding of what the hell I am about.

"But surely you have an About page for that?"

Yes! Or at least, I will, and maybe even a contact page so you can talk to me in private (You saucy devil, you. we don't even know each other yet)! But still I feel a First Post is kinda important. A blog of only this semi-seriousness needs a kicking off point, to ease both you and me into the swing of things. The trouble sets in when thinking of exactly what to write. If it were a journal type thing that I could just start with a journal type post. However it is not, and anyway, my life at the moment is kinda non-eventful. "Dear Blog, last night I went for a pint down the local with old friends. Everything was pretty cool. Today I did physics. That was also cool, because I am the kind of wonderful nutter who enjoys physics."

Wonderful, in so many ways.

On the other hand what that leaves me with is the "Welcome" post. Aren't those things just so tedious? How many times do you need to read a variation on "Welcome to my blog! Hope you stick around, because I just know we're going to be SUPER friends ;D". I think I'm probably just prejudiced against the word "welcome". It just reeks of insincerity, doesn't it? It's a word primarily used by billboards and tour guides. "Welcome to Scotland!" "Welcome to the University of Anybloodywhere". If you are using the word welcome to start a conversation, chances are you are being paid to do so.


So that leaves me with this choice, to ramble for a few short paragraphs until I feel comfortable just explaining what I'm about without feeling like I'm just throwing it at you. Because I care, I really do.

First thing you must know is that I have another blog, Not Fanatically Anything, but as the name suggests it's pretty unfocused. I figured that it would probably be a good idea to have somewhere to write about key interests, so here we are. Primarily the plan is to write articles on physics. I'll mainly stick to the AQA Physics A A-Level curriculum, [Edit: Given that I'm actually in university now, there will be more higher concept stuff. I shall however continue to try and get it across in my relatively non threatening manner] but I'll spin off into other things I find interesting that you, if you're anything like me, should find interesting too.

Secondarily I may be posting any PnPRPG recordings (or Actual Play) that I produce henceforth. I have a nWoD campaign planned so chances are that'll be up soonest in those regards. [Edit: Yeah, uh, that never really happened unfortunately]. For previous work, do check out my old blog where I GM'd a short (incomplete) Pokemon Tabletop Adventures campaign. Indeed, that was my first ever experience in GMing. Bask in the ineptitude of my burgeoning abilities.

I do hope that you like what you've heard so far. However many posts I've made between now and you reading this, if this interests you, I'd love to have you reading more, and drop me comment sometime. I'd like to chat.


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