
Referral Spam

It's a brilliant thing for a new blog, for me to look at the page views and see that there is a number that isn't 0. Alas it is increasingly apparent that while I may have pageviews, I am mainly entertaining spam sites. Seems that some sites are being set up to lure many a new blogger into getting and further spreading viruses. Knowing that people like knowing who is directing traffic at them, they fake referrals, whereupon us curious types may want to click the referral link. Protip: Don't. A quick Google search will reveal that these are malicious sites ready to infect the unfortunate blogger and generally ruin their day.

If you are curious about which sites are malicious, I have found a fairly comprehensive list at lordhtml.blogspot.co.uk, who's post I came across when googling, checking out the validity of my latest referral (www4.best-aruchecker.com).

There are already plenty of blogs warning against these sites, but given that they seem to make up most if not all of my current traffic, they are kind of pissing me off. I like accurate stats, thank you very much, and frankly don't have much patience for anyone who willingly spreads viruses, so I'm going to add my voice to the masses.

Solidarity, friends.


Mac Terrie Molly said...

Thanks for yours. My blogger site has come under the same curse. Trust there will be better ways to deter such referral traffic. Its kinda like people who don't flush the toilet. Yuck!

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