
Goodbye Last.fm

In June 2009 I created a profile with Last.fm. Today, well over 51000 plays later, I deleted it, and it must be one of the most cathartic things I have done in a long time.

Last.fm is, at it's heart, a very useful site. You play music, it records said plays, lets you see stats about your plays, suggests similar music you might like, etc. But for me it's a holdover from an era in my music education where liking music was something to be proven to people. It wasn't enough to enjoy the music, I had to maintain an accurate representation of my listening habits, lest anyone get the wrong idea about who I am. No, I'm not just a metalhead, look, look at the number of trip hop plays I have right next to the Iron Maiden!

It detracted from the experience of listening to music when every play at the back of my mind there was the satisfying knowledge that somewhere a number was increasing through my input, to the point where I would force myself to listen to a track that I might not have been enjoying entirely at the time so it would scrobble.

Sometime last week I decided to let the scrobbler update, and in doing so something stopped working. I don't know why, but it wouldn't connect to my account, and instead of looking for a solution, I thought to myself "Why should I?" The question rattled around my head, delighting in the echo of an age past, when I listened to music because I wanted to, not because I wanted to show people I wanted to. I realised I had become too attached to the numbers, the statistics that subtly coloured my last few years of musical experience. And now, a week after that first question, I have ended it.

Goodbye Last.fm. You were by no means a bad experience, and you introduced me to a lot of new music, but I sincerely hope I never sign up for you again.
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Exams and Snow

Exam season is over, and things are almost back into some kind of normalcy. I would have liked to post something on Friday when my last exam, Matter and Fields I, was originally scheduled for, but reports if incoming snow meant that the university decided to postpone in until yesterday. Not such a bad thing on it's own, but fairly annoying in that while the rest of the country had this:

I had this:

Still, extra revision time, I suppose. The exam went as well as can be expected at any rate. Anyway, I'll be popping home for a couple of days before next semester starts up, but I should be back in time to post something on Friday, when I shall be forcing myself to stick to something of a regular updating schedule.

In the meantime, I hope you all have a lovely week, any exams go well, work goes smoothly and any troubles are sorted to everyone's satisfaction. See you around.

Note: All pictures in this post have been taken rather cheekily and without permission from friends. I hope that's cool :3
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Happy new year! I suppose!

I'm not that into it myself. Celebrating a new year strikes me as kind of odd. It starts during the week after Christmas, when suddenly everyone is fetishising the past, and as someone who fetishises a far future I'll never live to see I find this faintly disturbing.

Don't get me wrong, I love a party. I just find the idea of celebrating a measurement of time odd. And with the measurement being celebrated being of human creation there is something somewhat masturbatory about it. I guess, as is often the case, I am thinking too much about it. Besides, without everyone else getting hysterical about it and Christmas I wouldn't get my sweet sweet overtime pay.

Finally, the number 2013 just isn't very interesting. I think it's the 3. It might be magic but it's just not that inspiring.

Positive things. New years resolutions are cool. I have two, the main one being to update this bastard thing more. Even if it's just the cheaty revision notes posts. A subresolution I suppose would be to market it more, but eh. That's why it's a sub, I guess.

Second one is to bulk myself up a bit more. I'm not going to become some meathead, but if there's one thing I've noticed over my time at uni it's that I have become more thin than I'd like. Also, I've been watching the Yogscast Christmas livestreams, and one thing I saw...well, if someone who essentially plays video games for a living looks like this, I have no excuse. (Oh so very NSFW).

So, in summary:

  • New Years is weird but so am I!
  • Look forward to more posts! (Though probably not until after finals)
  • I'm still alive!
Have a good year guys. Here's hoping it's a pretty okay one.

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