
Exams and Snow

Exam season is over, and things are almost back into some kind of normalcy. I would have liked to post something on Friday when my last exam, Matter and Fields I, was originally scheduled for, but reports if incoming snow meant that the university decided to postpone in until yesterday. Not such a bad thing on it's own, but fairly annoying in that while the rest of the country had this:

I had this:

Still, extra revision time, I suppose. The exam went as well as can be expected at any rate. Anyway, I'll be popping home for a couple of days before next semester starts up, but I should be back in time to post something on Friday, when I shall be forcing myself to stick to something of a regular updating schedule.

In the meantime, I hope you all have a lovely week, any exams go well, work goes smoothly and any troubles are sorted to everyone's satisfaction. See you around.

Note: All pictures in this post have been taken rather cheekily and without permission from friends. I hope that's cool :3


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