
Happy new year! I suppose!

I'm not that into it myself. Celebrating a new year strikes me as kind of odd. It starts during the week after Christmas, when suddenly everyone is fetishising the past, and as someone who fetishises a far future I'll never live to see I find this faintly disturbing.

Don't get me wrong, I love a party. I just find the idea of celebrating a measurement of time odd. And with the measurement being celebrated being of human creation there is something somewhat masturbatory about it. I guess, as is often the case, I am thinking too much about it. Besides, without everyone else getting hysterical about it and Christmas I wouldn't get my sweet sweet overtime pay.

Finally, the number 2013 just isn't very interesting. I think it's the 3. It might be magic but it's just not that inspiring.

Positive things. New years resolutions are cool. I have two, the main one being to update this bastard thing more. Even if it's just the cheaty revision notes posts. A subresolution I suppose would be to market it more, but eh. That's why it's a sub, I guess.

Second one is to bulk myself up a bit more. I'm not going to become some meathead, but if there's one thing I've noticed over my time at uni it's that I have become more thin than I'd like. Also, I've been watching the Yogscast Christmas livestreams, and one thing I saw...well, if someone who essentially plays video games for a living looks like this, I have no excuse. (Oh so very NSFW).

So, in summary:

  • New Years is weird but so am I!
  • Look forward to more posts! (Though probably not until after finals)
  • I'm still alive!
Have a good year guys. Here's hoping it's a pretty okay one.


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